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Text File | 1994-11-23 | 12.9 KB | 264 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- // =============================================================================
- // ©1994 Alessandro Levi Montalcini <LMontalcini@pmn.it>
- // Don’t forget to send me any cool extensions you create!
- // This text looks best in monaco 9 font, 4 spaces per tab, no wrapping
- #ifndef _H_extension
- #define _H_extension
- #ifndef __APPLEEVENTS__
- #include <AppleEvents.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #endif
- // =============================================================================
- // (the procedure pointer type is defined below after the record declarations)
- // pascal short main(long message, ParamsPtr params, MachineHandle mac, GluePtr glue);
- // =============================================================================
- #define kExtensionResType 'KQex' // the extension res name (not file name)
- // is used by the macro interpreter
- #define kExtensionFileType 'KQex' // extension file type
- #define kExtensionCreator 'KQue' // extension file creator (standard icon)
- #define kMaxExtParams 32 // max # of parameters passed to an extension
- #define kMaxScreens 3 // max # of screens in the MachineRec record
- // =============================================================================
- // MESSAGES (sent to the extension):
- enum {
- kExtMessageInit = 'INIT', // setup extension, load resources;
- // no ParamsPtr available here
- kExtMessageRun = 'RUN ' // run extension; the extension resource file
- // is already closed
- };
- // Check for nil glue before using glue routines in your kExtMessageInit handler
- // =============================================================================
- // RESULT CODES (returned by the extension):
- enum {
- kExtNoError = 0, // no error
- kExtCallMeAgain, // keep calling the extension over and over
- kExtCallMeAgainLater, // call the extension again after all other
- // queued commands have executed
- kExtGenericError = 256, // positive results >= 256 stop macro execution
- kExtBadEnvironment, // without informing the user (you may use
- kExtBadParameters, // DisplayMessage or DisplayError to do so)
- kExtTooManyParams,
- kExtNotEnoughParams,
- kExtUnknownKeyword,
- kExtWrongApplication,
- kExtNotEnoughMemory,
- kExtObsoleteKeyQuencer,
- kExtRequiresAppleEvents,
- kTellGenericError = -256, // negative results stop macro execution
- kTellBadEnvironment, // and show a standard error message
- kTellBadParameters,
- kTellTooManyParams,
- kTellNotEnoughParams,
- kTellUnknownKeyword,
- kTellWrongApplication,
- kTellNotEnoughMemory,
- kTellObsoleteKeyQuencer,
- kTellRequiresAppleEvents
- };
- // =============================================================================
- // CURRENT RECORD VERSIONS (will increase as I append more items to the records):
- enum {
- kCurParamsRecVers = 1,
- kCurMachineRecVers = 1,
- kCurGlueRecVers = 3, // version 1 had 13 callbacks, v. 2 had 19
- kCurRoutineCount = 27 // number of callback routines in the glue
- };
- // =============================================================================
- // The current record contents will not be modified in future versions
- // although more items may be appended at the bottom of each record
- typedef struct ParamsRec {
- short paramsRecVers; // kCurParamsRecVers
- short paramsCount; // number of parameters passed
- long countCalls; // this field is initially set to 0,
- // incremented at each kExtCallMeAgain,
- // always 1 after kExtCallMeAgainLater
- long firstCallTicks; // TickCount() of first time called
- // (reset when result != kExtCallMeAgain)
- short extensionKey; // keyCode<<8 + charCode (low word of
- // event.message of key down event)
- short extensionModifiers; // event.modifiers of the key down event
- // that invoked the macro
- long reserved; // don't touch this!
- StringPtr parameter[kMaxExtParams]; // parameters are passed as read-only
- // pascal strings (including quotes if any);
- // all parameter processing is done by
- // the extension itself
- } ParamsRec, *ParamsPtr;
- typedef struct MachineRec {
- short machineRecVers; // kCurMachineRecVers
- short systemVersion; // system version in BCD format
- short screenCount; // # of screens connected to this machine
- short mainScreen; // index of main screen in screenBounds array
- Rect screenBounds[kMaxScreens]; // bounds of all available screens
- // (call UpdateMachineRec to validate bounds)
- Boolean hasGestalt; // 01
- Boolean hasWaitNextEvent; // 02
- Boolean hasAppleEvents; // 03
- Boolean has68020; // 04
- Boolean hasFPU; // 05
- Boolean hasColorQD; // 06 all these flags are automatically
- Boolean has32BitQD; // 07 set up by KeyQuencer so the extensions
- Boolean hasFSSpec; // 08 don't have to call Gestalt all the time
- Boolean hasNewStdFile; // 09
- Boolean hasNotification; // 10
- Boolean hasAliases; // 11
- Boolean hasFindFolder; // 12
- Boolean hasPartialRes; // 13
- Boolean hasSoundManager; // 14
- } MachineRec, *MachinePtr, **MachineHandle;
- typedef struct GlueRec {
- short glueRecVers; // check before using recent callbacks
- short routineCount; // don't check this
- pascal void (*DisplayMessage) (ConstStr255Param message, Boolean playBeep);
- pascal void (*DisplayError) (OSErr error);
- pascal void (*StopSequence) (void);
- pascal void (*TypeString) (ConstStr255Param string);
- pascal void (*TypeText) (const unsigned char *text, short length);
- pascal Boolean (*SafePostEvent) (const EventRecord *event);
- pascal void (*WaitTicks) (long pause);
- pascal short (*ExecuteScript) (Handle text);
- pascal Boolean (*ExtensionAvailable) (ConstStr255Param name);
- pascal void (*GetCharacterInfo) (unsigned char c, short *message, short *modifiers);
- pascal Boolean (*TrapAvailable) (short trap);
- pascal void (*ShowStartupIcon) (short iconID);
- pascal void (*AnonymousMessage) (ConstStr255Param message, Boolean playBeep);
- // the following routines are only available in glue version 2 or later (KQ 1.1 or later);
- // make sure that glue->glueRecVers >= 2 before using them:
- pascal Boolean (*AppleEventsAvail) (void);
- pascal Boolean (*SendAppleEvent) (const AppleEvent *event, OSErr *errPtr, Boolean bringToFront);
- pascal Boolean (*WindowsAvailable) (void);
- pascal Boolean (*MacroRunning) (void);
- pascal Boolean (*EqualStringPartial) (ConstStr255Param strToFind, ConstStr255Param strToSearch, Boolean caseSens, Boolean partialMatch);
- pascal long (*SearchString) (ConstStr255Param strToFind, const unsigned char *buffer, long size, Boolean caseSens);
- // the following routines are only available in glue version 3 or later (KQ 1.2 or later);
- // make sure that glue->glueRecVers >= 3 before using them:
- pascal WindowPtr (*RealFrontWindow) (Boolean *isModalDialog);
- pascal WindowPtr (*RealNextWindow) (WindowPtr baseWindow, Boolean *isModalDialog);
- pascal Boolean (*RealWindow) (WindowPtr window, Boolean *isModalDialog);
- pascal OSErr (*FindKQExtFolder) (short *vRefNum, long *dirID);
- pascal short (*OpenExtResFile) (void);
- pascal void (*UpdateMachineRec) (void);
- pascal Boolean (*AskQuestion) (ConstStr255Param question, ConstStr255Param okButtonTitle, ConstStr255Param cancelButtonTitle, short defaultButton, short numTextLines);
- pascal Boolean (*AskString) (ConstStr255Param question, StringPtr answer, ConstStr255Param okButtonTitle, ConstStr255Param cancelButtonTitle, short defaultButton, short numInputLines);
- } GlueRec, *GluePtr;
- // =============================================================================
- /*
- DisplayMessage: displays a message (pascal string) via the notification mgr,
- optionally plays a system beep
- DisplayError: displays an error (common OSErr's are shown by name in KQ 1.2)
- StopSequence: stops all macros and flushes the queue (same as cmd-shift-return)
- TypeString: types a pascal string as if the user was typing it from the keyboard
- TypeText: same as TypeString, takes a buffer instead of a pascal string
- SafePostEvent: checks the event queue and posts an event if it isn't already full
- (use this instead of PPostEvent); returns true if everything OK
- WaitTicks: pauses macro execution for some time after the extension has returned
- ExecuteScript: executes a macro (the macro text is passed in a handle);
- returns 0 if the macro was successfully queued,
- nonzero if an error was found (this is an internal error code)
- ExtensionAvailable: checks if an extension was loaded at startup
- GetCharacterInfo: returns the keyCode, charCode and modifiers needed to type
- a given character with a keyDown event
- TrapAvailable: checks if a trap is available (returns true if it is, false otherwise)
- ShowStartupIcon: displays a startup icon (this only works at startup time,
- when the init message is received by the extension)
- AnonymousMessage: displays a message (pascal string) without the extension name
- // the following routines are only available in glue version 2 or later (KQ 1.1 or later);
- // make sure that glue->glueRecVers >= 2 before using them:
- AppleEventsAvail: returns true if KQ Apple Events is running, false otherwise;
- SendAppleEvent can do without KQ Apple Events under KQ 1.2 or later
- SendAppleEvent: sends an Apple Event; the AppleEvent record is duplicated so it can
- be allocated on the stack, while the event data handle must be in
- the system zone and is disposed of automatically by SendAppleEvent;
- never call AEDisposeDesc on the AppleEvent after passing it to
- SendAppleEvent, since it's already called by KeyQuencer for you;
- *errPtr is set to 1 right away, and receives the error code when
- the event is later sent (pass nil if you don't care, but don't wait
- for this value to change inside a loop because KQ Apple Events will
- wait and send the event when it gets some CPU time at WaitNextEvent);
- if bringToFront is true, the receiving application is switched to
- the foreground before the event is sent; SendAppleEvent returns
- true if the event was successfully queued (not sent), false otherwise
- WindowsAvailable: returns true if QuickDraw and the Window Manager have been initialized
- MacroRunning: returns true if KeyQuencer has more extensions to call or keystrokes
- to type inside its internal queues
- EqualStringPartial: compares two strings with optional case sensitivity and partial
- matching (strToFind is a subset of strToSearch); returns true if equal
- SearchString: searches a string inside a buffer with optional case sensitivity;
- returns the offset of the first matching character, or a negative
- number if no match was found
- // the following routines are only available in glue version 3 or later (KQ 1.2 or later);
- // make sure that glue->glueRecVers >= 3 before using them:
- RealFrontWindow: returns the frontmost "real" window (uses RealWindow to filter
- out weird windows and floating palettes)
- RealNextWindow: returns the next "real" window behind a given base window
- RealWindow: returns false for floating palettes, the desktop and other weird
- windows (this is an educated guess, not 100% reliable)
- FindKQExtFolder: finds the volume reference number and directory ID of the
- "KeyQuencer Extensions" folder
- OpenExtResFile: opens the extension resource file; please don't use this if you can
- do without, since PowerBook users hate to have the HD spin up
- (the opened file is NOT guaranteed to be the same file that was
- loaded at startup: it may be an updated version, or another file
- with the same name that was copied into the "KeyQuencer Extensions"
- folder); returns refnum of resfile, or -1 if the file can't be opened
- UpdateMachineRec: updates the machine record (the screen information fields may change
- after startup with the new Multiple Scan monitors)
- AskQuestion: displays an ok/cancel dialog and returns true if the "ok" button was
- pressed; returns false when the user cancels and when an error occurs;
- pass nil or an empty string to get the default button titles
- AskString: displays a dialog with an editable text whose contents are copied
- from and passed back to the "answer" parameter; returns the same
- values you get from AskQuestion
- */
- // =============================================================================
- typedef pascal short (*ExtProcPtr)(long message, ParamsPtr params, MachineHandle mac, GluePtr glue);
- // =============================================================================
- #if defined(powerc) || defined(__powerc)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #endif
- #endif // _H_extension
- // =============================================================================